Dr. (Mrs.) Ritu Narang, a senior faculty member in the Department of Business Administration, University of Lucknow, is a distinguished academician with more than twenty years of teaching experience in the field of Marketing, Advertising Management, Retail Management and Organizational Behaviour. Earlier she was the Director MBA (Retail Management) and Co-OSD Institute of Management Sciences. She has received D.Lit. degree in Business Administration. She stood first in the order of merit in Masters in Business Administration programme. Twice, she has been a Senior Distinguished Fellow at Hanken School of Economics, Finland. Recently, Dr. Narang was invited as a Senior Distinguished Fellow at Tianjin Normal University, China. She has successfully completed one global and two national Major Research Projects sponsored by Hanken School of Economics, Finland and University Grants Commission, New Delhi respectively. Dr. Narang received the Award for ‘Excellence in Research’ from University of Lucknow in 2010. Her research paper won the ‘Best Paper Award’ at ICGTBSR’16 Conference organized by IIT Roorkee in 2016. Her other research paper was awarded the ‘Best Conference Paper’ at Fifth Conference on Retailing in Asia Pacific organized by The Oxford Institute of Retail Management at Saїd Business School, University of Oxford in collaboration with the Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association Industry Association, MEDC of Hong Kong Poly University in 2009. Another paper won the ‘Best paper’ award in the category of Research in the 4th International Conference, Ahmedabad, India. Dr. Narang got the prestigious Emerald Literati Network 2012 Awards for Excellence under ‘Highly recommended paper’ category for her paper published in Clinical Governance: An International Journal. Dr. Narang has published over thirty five papers in highly reputed academic international journals including Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, International Journal of Case Studies in Management, Quality Assurance in Education, Young Consumers: Insights and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, etc. She has authored a book on Rural Health Care Management and done Indian adaptation of a book on ‘Behavior in Organizations’ published by Pearson Education. She has authored over ten chapters in several reputed national and international books and written a weekly article in a reputed newspaper for a year to guide young students in preparation of their CVs. Dr. Narang has presented about thirty eight research papers in national and international Conferences including the prestigious American Marketing Association’s Services Special Interest Group International Conference, Conference on Retailing in Asia Pacific, The Oxford Institute of Retail Management at Saїd Business School, University of Oxford, Cross Cultural Research at Kona, Hawaii, Centre for Marketing in Emerging Economies, International Conference in Marketing at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow. She is a Reviewer for several international journals. Some of these include International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Management Research Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets, European Journal of Marketing and Quality Assurance in Education. Seven students have been awarded PhD degree under her guidance while four others are currently pursuing their doctoral thesis. She has successfully organized ‘Capacity Building Programme’ for Young faculty Members and conducted Management Development Programmes for several public and private sector organizations.